case list guidelines
To ensure effective communication for cases involving six or more units, kindly follow these guidelines:
- Pre-Op Models
- Photos (Pre-Op, Temps & Facial w/ Symmetry Bite)
- Bite Registration
- HIP Reference, Stick Bite, or Other Cranial Reference
- Preparation Shade & Photos
- Clear & accurate master impressions
- Impression of patient-approved provisional restorations or mock-up
- Clear photos of all required shots
- Laboratory prescription with all pertinent case information
- Final shade
After completing these steps, please use the Customer Portal link at the top of this page to attach all the information to your case.
- For facial view photos, ensure they capture the area from the hairline to the chin.
- Position the shade guide directly beneath the actual tooth or preparation in the photo, ensuring the shade tab is visible for reference.
- Include essential patient details such as shade, shape, measurements, and any patient concerns on the lab slip.
- If you require additional photography support, please don't hesitate to contact Barksdale Dental Laboratory to set up a custom shade-taking appointment for your patient.